Branded products are a niche market which is very high in quality and in price. Pleasing consumers who look for brands should be well presented since their expectations and tastes are quite exquisite and demanding. Store owners should understand the market and top profile clients and their likes and dislikes when organizing the store layout and deciding on the marketing strategies to suit the segment of the clients, failing to identify the proper consumers will be a very unsuccessful challenge to take up.The decision of what is available for customer, if it is purely barded items or a mix of brands or a mix of brands and non brands should be decided with care.
Deciding to stick to brands and mix of brands only will make your store a branded one with only a niche segment of top class consumers walking into the store with pure intention of purchase. Window shoppers who are only interested in looking will not be walking into the store to disturb your staff when attending to high profile clients since they could see and feel the items available are only brands and nothing else. Availability of limited editions for Chanel accessories in storePricing of branded items in a store should be placed below the product but visible enough to understand and read the price should be on the label.
Presenting a full mix of branded products could be offered to the customers for a wide choice of brand purchasing. A range of designer hand bags such as Michael Kors, Badgley, Mischkaceline, Bulgari, Celine, coach, Mulberry and many more of popularly known makes could be offered to your consumers under the same roofing making it a marketing strategy and making your store a sole branded store.Seasonal offers could be offered to the customers to increase sales and making it an opportunity for customers to buy several differently branded items to please them.
A discount board written on bold letter could indicate the discount percentage for used Louis Vuitton or the price to the customer to make a quick entrance for purchase at an unexpected time. For example you could make highlights and say Louis Vuitton Sale on 50% off price to attract the customer.Making a rich presentation and highlight of seasonal offers could be carried on every season periodically so that the customers who are long standing are aware that annually different time of the year the stores offering these special offers are well retained in their minds. . There are these types of stores in Europe, America and Australia since these types of clients are more used to patronage of these products.